The Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES) study investigates how discrimination experienced by both patients and healthcare practitioners may generate and perpetuate inequalities in health and health service use.
To identify how COVID-19 exacerbates ethnic inequalities in mental health and occupational outcomes amongst NHS staff, and the processes through which inequalities are produced, maintained and resisted.
Our Mission
To highlight and work towards reducing health inequalities through integrated research and engagement activities.
Our Survey
The purpose of this follow-up survey is to understand the drivers of racial and ethnic inequalities in mental health and work outcomes particularly since COVID-19. This survey is for ALL staff, students and volunteers, not just those from ethnic minority backgrounds. It should take 15-20 minutes to complete.
This questionnaire has been designed by the Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in Health Services (TIDES) study in collaboration with NHS CHECK.
Your responses will be used to identify racial and ethnic inequalities among staff and understand how COVID-19 might exacerbate such inequalities.
This study is completely independent of any individual NHS trust or healthcare provider and is being carried out to develop training resources for those in managerial positions and inform NHS policies.
Alongside our partners (Royal College of Nursing, Maudsley learning, NHS Confederation, Workforce Race Equality Standard, NHS England), we are working hard to ensure our research translates into real, positive impacts for NHS and social care staff from all racial and ethnic backgrounds.